Hudson Valley
Queer and Outdoors

You've got questions? We've got answers. :)
Q: Do I have to sign up?
A: Not required - you can join us spur of the moment if you'd like - but we'd prefer if you sign up ahead of time for the outings so we can gague numbers, easily contact you with any last-minute changes or info, organize carpools, etc. If you think you might come out with us, email us at hvqueeroutdoors@gmail.com or write through the contact us page!
Q: Is it free?
A: Yes! There's no fee to sign up or participate. If there's an entrance fee to the place we visit, that's on you - and we'll make sure you know about the fee ahead of time. The cost of whatever you bring on the hike (your lunch, etc.) is also on you. The planning and gathering and hike-leading, etc., is on us! :)
Q: I've never been hiking/sledding/canoing/etc. before. What should I do to prepare?
A: See the "Hiking Readiness" sheet for info on your first (or first-in-a-long-time) hike. Similar sheets will be up for other types of outings once we schedule them.
Q: I'm a teen. Can I come?
A: Absolutely! And feel free to bring your friends too! Anyone under 18 should have a parent or guardian to come on the hike with you.
Q: I've got little ones. Can they come along?
A: You know your kids better than we do, so you'll have to judge, but the outings we plan are ones we've seen many other families enjoy together: nothing too long or too precipitous. Be prepared to carry them before the end, though!
Q: I'm from Brooklyn, but will be in the Hudson Valley for the weekend. Can I come?
A: Of course! Please do! These outings are for anyone in the queer community in the Hudson Valley, whether you're here for a day or a lifetime. And many of us first caught the valley spirit on day trips like this. :)
Q: Can allies join out hikes?
A: Sure - We're inclusive of all members of the queer community, including straight allies. Anyone's welcome who'll be super-duper respectful and celebratory of the queer community. Even better if you come with some of your queer friends in tow!
Q: What if I get hurt?
A: At least one outing leader will always have a first aid kit along. We'll do our best to take care of everyone. That said, the organizers of Hudson Valley Queer Outdoors can't be held responsible or liable for the health or safety of anyone: you attend all outings at your own risk, with the understanding that playing in the outdoors carries a certain amount of risk.
Q: What if it's raining/snowing/really cold?
A: Check our Facebook page for any last-minute plan changes. If it's just drizzling, or nice snow, or not toooo cold, we'll likely still go ahead with the plans. Thunderstorms, heavy rain, bitter windy cold, and any other conditions that would be unsafe will cancel the outing. There won't be a rain date - we'll just pick up with the next month's planned outing.
Q: Can you tell me more about the upcoming outing? Can you give me driving directions?
A: For the hikes, the guy behind Hike The Hudson Valley does a great job describing what to expect on the trail and how to get there, so rather than duplicate his work, check out his site. For non-hike outings, we'll provide equivalent info and links on the outing page. If you still have questions after reviewing those pages, contact us at hvqueeroutdoors@gmail.com!